The Canton Depot
When the railroad first came to Canton in 1879, it was a turning point for the city. The Depot, built in 1907, consisted of and Express Room, café, waiting rooms for men and ladies and a ticket office. The depot was served by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad.
Records say that as many as 65 trains came in and out of Canton in a 24-hour period in it’s most popular time. The last passenger trains to come through Canton were in the 1960s.
The depot was moved to its current location in 1997 and renovations began on the building. The Canton Chamber of Commerce moved its offices into the south side of the depot in 2005.
In 2007, the Depot parking lot became the home of the Canton Farmers Market. The Canton Farmers Market is open every Wednesday evening starting in June and continuing through October depending on the weather.
Rental Information
The City has two rooms that may be rented for special events or meetings.
The Viking Room:
The Viking Room is located in the lower level of the north building of the Depot. (The room is accessible by stairs and an elevator.) This room will seat 96 people. The room can be set with round tables, which seat eight. A serving kitchen is located on the north side of the room. The kitchen is furnished with table settings for 96 people as well as various items to serve food and beverages including 100-cup and 55-cup coffee makers. The kitchen also has a large refrigerator/freezer with an ice maker and a dishwasher.
A refundable security deposit of $150.00 is required at the time of booking.
Rental fees:
Half Day (1-6 hours): $250.00 + tax
Full Day (6+ hours): $400.00 + tax
The Museum is located in the upper level of the north building of the Depot.
A refundable security deposit of $150.00 is required at the booking.
Rental fees:
Half Day (1-6 hours): $250.00 + tax
Full Day (6+ hours): $400.00 + tax
50% off Room Rental Fee for Non-Profit groups Monday-Thursday
**All rental times include all time needed for setup and clean up.
For more information, to check availability or to reserve the Museum or the Viking Room, contact City Hall at 605-987-2881 or Email City Hall