City Ordinances are on file at City Hall & the Canton Public Library
10. General Provisions
30. Mayor and City Commissioners
31. City Officials
32. City Organizations
33. Code of Conduct
34. Administrative Regulations
35. Administrative Code Enforcement
36. Finance and Revenues
50. Water Service System
51. Sewer Service System
52. Water and Sewer Rates and Charges
53. Wellhead Protection
54. Garbage and Recycling
70. General Provisions70. General Provisions
71. Driving Regulations
72. Vehicle Standards and Equipment
73. Pedestrians
74. Stopping, Standing, and Parking
75. Repealed
76. Truck Routes
77. Recreational Vehicles
78. Traffic Schedules
90. Animals
91. Nuisances
92. Fire Prevention
93. Swimming Pools
94. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
95. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
96. Right-of-Way Construction and Use Permits
97. Street Trees and Shrubs
98. Park Use Regulations
99.-Noise Regulations
110. General Licensing Provisions
110A. Licensing Provisions for Cannabis Establishments
111. Collection of Garbage and Recyclables
112. Alcoholic Beverages
113. Cable Television
114. Massage Establishments
115. Peddlers and Solicitors
116. Tattooing and Body Piercing Establishments
Offenses Against Property
130. Offenses Against Public Decency
131. Offenses Against Property
132. Disorderly Conduct
133. Curfew
134. Weapons
150. Buildings & Construction
151. Historic Preservation
152. Subdivisions
153. Zoning
Table I Franchises
Table II Annexations
Parallel References